In a recent speech at COP26, US President Biden highlighted the role of agriculture and forests, and the need to mobilize additional private finance towards climate mitigation and adaptation. The White House announced plans to (i) incentivize forest and ecosystem conservation and forest landscape restoration, and to (ii) catalyze private sector investment, finance, and action to conserve critical carbon sinks, among other objectives. These announcements referenced the US Government’s support to new, innovative mechanisms and results-based financing to mobilize investment in sustainable forest management and improved land and forest management, for example, as well as increasing sustainable production and sourcing of climate-smart commodities and services, developing complementary economic development models, and promoting accountability. Clarmondial is proud to be included in these announcements:
The Plan to Conserve Global Forests includes the USAID Business Case for Collective Landscape Action, awarded to Clarmondial, Rainforest Alliance, Conservation International, and CDP. This innovative initiative will bring together the private sector, governments, and local landscape actors to reduce commodity-driven deforestation, increase restoration, conserve biodiversity, and improve livelihoods in tropical ecosystems. Stakeholders in the landscape will develop a common set of landscape performance data to improve land management, help companies meet sustainability goals, attract financing, and provide local employment. The activity will mobilize USD 30 million in private finance; improve the environmental and economic benefits of conservation; and create reinforcing policies.
The White House announcement is available as PDF here and at