Clarmondial joins the Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation – CPIC

Building on its track record in environmental finance, Clarmondial has joined the Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation (CPIC). This coalition, which includes Credit Suisse, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Cornell University, plans to develop new investment models and funding pipelines that help close the current conservation funding gap and contribute to the global goals for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

Clarmondial’s engagement in CPIC builds on its existing thought leadership in the environmental finance space, including on leveraging ecosystems and its partnership with Climate Bonds Initiative on developing guidance for the land use sectors, nature based solutions and marine related assets.

Conservation finance, “a mechanism through which a financial investment into an ecosystem is made – directly or indirectly through an intermediary – that aims to conserve the values of the ecosystem for the long term”, is particularly relevant giving increasing momentum around recognizing the materiality of social and environmental (natural capital) issues in business decision making.

Clarmondial, together with well-known international for profit and not-for-profit partners, is working on several new and innovative mechanisms to mobilize funding at scale to maintain ecosystem integrity, including in the face of unprecedented biodiversity loss and climate change. These initiatives include the development of the Food Securities Fund, a vehicle designed to finance responsible agricultural businesses.
