Bonds & books: a busy September

There are a number of exciting developments brewing. However I wanted to highlight two initiatives that we have been involved with that were announced in the past 2 weeks.


Launch of the Climate Bonds AFOLU Guidance public consultation

We’ve been pleased to be leading the development of sector-specific guidance for the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sectors under the Climate Bonds Standard. This involved identifying and managing both a Technical Working Group (TWG) and an Industry Working Group (IWG), as well as providing resource mobilisation support for the work and Climate Bonds Initiative. We were pleased to have strong interest both from the ‘technical’ community (NGOs, researchers, practitioners) and from industry (banks, corporates, funds, etc.). The draft guidance was released at the Credit Suisse headquarters in Zürich last week, and is now in a 60 day public consultation period. We hope that the final guidance will be available by early December. The draft guidance and public consultation documents are available through this link.

We have a number of exciting initiatives in the pipeline as a follow-on to this work, both in terms of sub-sector guidance and facilitating issuances under the guidance. Please feel free to get in touch about the guidance or any related work or ideas.


Launch of ‘Steps Toward Green’ book with the World Bank & EcoAgriculture Partners

This book was launched at the World Bank headquarters in Washington DC earlier this week. Clarmondial contributed the case studies to the book, with additional analysis and policy implications developed by the World Bank and EcoAgriculture Partners. It was interesting to have a chance to explore the state of various commodity landscapes: tea in China, palm oil in Indonesia, maize and rice in Thailand, bananas in the Philippines, and coffee and shrimp in Vietnam. We were lucky to work with some great local contacts and look forward to building on this work in the future.


(click here to download it)
